Diet VS Intuitive Eating

Does the word ‘diet’ immediately make you think of an unpleasant weight-loss regime? If it does, you’re not alone.

Seeing the way you eat as a ‘diet’ can suggest negative thoughts and emotions. For example:


Why not focus on behaviours, creating good habits and educating yourself on the nutritional value of your favourite foods. This will encourage you to eat intuitively and allow you to remain:

🔸in control
🔸be empowered
🔸in control of your future success

This is a more sustainable approach when compared with a diet plan that dictates.
Putting up barriers and setting personal limits dictated by a ‘diet’ is only setting yourself up to fail.

However, I appreciate we all have personal goals, I would suggest maybe creating a library of foods that are customised to reflect your goals and preferences; this approach should ensure consistency but allows for flexibility too.

Let me help you become more intuitive with your nutrition through education and by nurturing good habits to achieve sustainable results. Experience the positive feelings of being in control and achieving results as opposed to an ongoing battle with the scales.

Wellman Fitness:
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