Fat Loss vs Weight Loss

Jim is a good example of how it’s not always about the scale weight, but how you look which people often forget as they are obsessed with what the scales say. Jim has lost less than 7 pound but his shape has totally changed with more muscle and less body fat (body recomposition)

Are you guilty of letting the scales dictate how you feel about yourself ?! I used to start my day either really motivated or frustrated & defeated all because of a number I saw on the scale each morning. (The image below demonstrates how tracking WEIGHT LOSS and FAT LOSS are very different)

I let it control me & dictate my worth. Yet, little did I know that “weight loss” isn’t always a useful marker of progress.

There are many things that can influence daily & weekly body weight, including

🍕 A higher salt or carb intake than normal
💩 If you haven’t pooped
💦 Hydration levels
🥘 Food still in your stomach
😷 Food intolerances
💁 If you have your period
🌡 Hormones
💊 Supplements
🏋️‍♀️ Soreness from a heavy/intense workout

Once I understood that the scales are one of many tools, I started to see the fluctuations in my scale weight as just a series of data points, rather than a reflection of my worth or hard work.

Fat loss takes TIME. Like weeks & months. I know, it’s not what you want to hear, but it’s the truth. Its important to recognise and be aware of so you don’t get frustrated, lose patience and quit.

Weight loss & fat loss are related, but they are NOT the same thing. Instead of focusing on the scale to know if you’re progressing, focus on other things like:

🤳🏽Progress pictures
📉Body measurements
👗How clothes fit
💥Your energy levels
📊An average of your weight over the course of a few weeks/months

Progress is not linear & it does NOT reflect your fat loss progress. The key is to be patient and focus on what you can control: A CONSISTENT CALORIE DEFICIT, lifting 2+ times/week, sleeping & walking!

Wellman Fitness:
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