Will Losing Weight Make You Happy: My Story

Would achieving your ‘ideal’ bodyweight make you happy?
Have you ever looked back at pictures of when you were younger and thought ‘I would love to look like that again’, the question is do you remember your reaction when you first saw the picture? Were you self conscious or liked the way you looked then? Or are you remembering it differently?
In all probability you weren’t satisfied then, feeling both self conscious and self critical.
It’s easy to look back at how you were and think you were happier but were you really? You probably still had insecurities and things you didn’t like about yourself.
When I was on a quest to get lean, I wanted to try and prove to myself that a ‘fat kid’ could get abs, I thought I would look and feel amazing showing off my 6 pack…the reality was the total opposite. The reality was that I felt awful, I was hungry, demotivated and lost my passion for health and fitness. Even though I had the lean body I’d always wanted, I still wasn’t satisfied, I was still self critical and over analysing things. I should have been happy and full of energy, not still self conscious and too nervous to take my shirt off in front of people.
The important thing to take from this is instead of focusing on ‘I will be happy when’, focus instead on:
Being happy now
Enjoying the journey
appreciating all the mini wins along the way e.g losing 2 pound this week.
taking comfort from executing your
daily habits, knowing its making you a better person everyday.
I know it all sounds a bit of a cliche, but it’s true. You get your dream body, and then what? You are still left with the same internal battles you had before, just with a different exterior.

Wellman Fitness:
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