1. Be consistent with NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis). When you’re in a calorie deficit, your body will do everything it can to conserve energy, including making you move less. To reduce the risk of this happening, track your steps and set yourself a goal. 10,000 steps is a good starting place. Then increase it when you hit a plateau. It’s not always about eating less.
2. Consuming a high protein diet alongside a resistance training programme. A high protein diet will help keep hold of your hard earned muscle and help to keep you full when you’re in a calorie deficit. As a rough guide, you want to consume 1g of protein for every pound you weigh e.g. 150lb person consumes 150g of protein.
3. Create a lifestyle you can be consistent with. Being ‘toned’ doesn’t happen overnight. The majority of people are not ‘toned’ because they are not consistent. This doesn’t mean lead a lifestyle that’s really strict and evokes feelings of missing out and deprivation. This is where coaching is invaluable. To create a lifestyle that works for YOU. That’s when the magic happens.
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